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Occupational Therapy

Perform Everyday Activities with Greater Ease

Resume Your Daily Routine

Occupational therapy can help you return to your regular activities after illness or injury. Our caring and compassionate occupational therapists assist patients in regaining their independence and living productive, satisfying lives.

For those with conditions that cause pain or disability, occupational therapy can be used as a tool to strengthen muscles and develop fine motor skills so you can live life to the fullest.

Occupational Therapy Treatments

"Occupations" are the activities we do every day. From basic tasks like eating, grooming or tying your shoes to more complex functions, our certified occupational therapists can help you reach your goals and build your confidence.

Who Can Benefit from Occupational Therapy?

Older adults who struggle with coordination, balance, vision, hearing or memory loss can regain their independence and carry out everyday tasks more easily with the help of our occupational therapists. 

Occupational therapy can help reconnect the pathways between the brain and limbs. Strategic exercises can even assist Alzheimer’s & dementia patients with memory.

If you have sustained an injury or had surgery, our therapy team can help you strengthen your muscles and regain the skills necessary for functioning at home or on the job.